
What is Alien Worlds and how can you play it to earn crypto?

Updated on 28 July, 2022 4:12 PM
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    NFT gaming as a concept has seen tremendous interest in the last couple of years. So much so, that the term ‘metaverse’ is now a household term. A lot of newer categories are being built on top of NFTs and blockchain and some of these applications are seeing very good acceptant within the crypto community. One such category that has seen a lot of interest from the crypto-native poputation around the world is Play-to-earn

    What is play-to-earn?

    Play to earn applications are games that allow its players to earn crypto while playing. The players are required to complete tasks, compete against other players, engage in virtual battles, stake tokens in order to earn crypto tokens, virtual lands or other NFTs. These rewards usually have a corresponding real world value, and hence this category receives a lot of interest from the crypto native folks.

    A lot of play to earn games have complete economies within the game itself. These games allow players to buy and sell NFTs, participate in governance in the form of DAOs, stake their tokens in order to earn crypto, etc.

    What is Alien Worlds?

    Alien Worlds is one of the most popular games to be ever built on a blockchain. It is a cross-chain game that is built on the Ethereum blockchain, WAX blockchain and the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The premise of the game is based in 2055. A group of people from the planet earth, decided to escape the pandemic and engaged in inter-plantetary travel. There are 7 planets in the Federation of Alien Worlds. To maintain a fair economy, everything in this world is tokenized, including tools, weapons, lands, etc

    According to DappRadar, Alien Worlds boasts of close to 200k daily active players. This is much more than the second largest game to be built on the blockchain - Splinterlands.

    Alien Worlds’ native utility token - Trilium (TLM)

    Trilium (TLM) is the multi-chain native utility token of the Alien Worlds game. It is used to buy and sell lands and tools in the Alien Worlds game. You can also stake the Trilium (TLM) token to participate in the governance of the planets inside the metaverse game. This makes Alien Worlds a sci-fi metaverse with a native utility token, multiple DAOs, a lot of NFTs for players to hunt and buy and an opportunity to earn passive income.

    The TLM Trilium token is useful in the game to do the following:

    1. Participate in governance
    2. Buy and sell NFTs inside Alien Worlds
    3. In-game quests

    Governance in Alien Worlds

    To participate in governance in Alien Worlds, you need to stake the TLM tokens. You can earn TLM tokens by mining inside the game or by swapping it with some other token on major centralised and decentralised exchanges

    Buy and sell NFTs inside the Alien Worlds game

    Players can buy and sell NFTs using the Trilium token (TLM). All commodities inside the game like lands, tools, weapons are tokenised. This allows defined ownership of those tokens and TLM facilitates that.

    In-game quests

    Players can compete in quests in the Alien Worlds game. To participate in these quests, players are required to have TLM (Trilium) tokens

    How to play Alien Worlds?

    To get started and play the Alien Worlds game, you will have to follow the next steps:

    Create an account on the Alien Worlds portal

    Head over to the Alien Worlds website and register. You will have to connect your WAX cloud wallet with the game in order to do this.

    Choose a metaverse avatar

    You will now be asked to pick an avatar - male or female. This step does not actually impact the game or the storyline. Players can also get an avatar by mining.

    Pick a planet to mine on

    Once the players have chosen their avatars, they will be asked to pick a planet to mine on. To make this decision, the players will be shown the current mining pot, which is the amount of TLM that may be mined from this planet.

    Select a mining land

    After selecting the planet, the players would be required to choose a land to mine from. Lands in Alien Worlds are tokenised, which means that players can buy and sell lands like NFTs. Similarly, players can also buy tokenized weapons and tools and keep playing Alien Worlds

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