
Aptos Blockchain - All you need to know : Flint

Updated on 29 September, 2022 2:50 PM
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    What is Aptos blockchain?

    The Aptos blockchain is a Layer 1 blockchain and employs the Move programming language. Users of the cryptocurrency can expect higher scalability, dependability, security, and usability using this blockchain.

    The planning for Aptos is currently in its very early phases. Neither an official white paper nor any Aptos coins have yet been developed or released. However, the Aptos blockchain has attracted millions of dollars in investment. The Layer 1 blockchain Aptos will be created using the Move programming language, which is based on Rust. A parallel execution engine, high-level security measures, and minimal transaction costs are all among its planned features.

    Although it is still in the early stages of operation, the Aptos blockchain is already exceeding expectations. At the moment, it can handle 130,000 transactions per second (TPS) while still being secure and dependable.

    How does the Aptos blockchain work?

    Block-STM Technology

    Smart contracts are handled effectively by block-STM technology. For the Aptos blockchain engine to process several transactions concurrently, parallel execution is essential. The chain won't be stopped by a single failed transaction, this makes things move much more quickly. Transactions can all be executed simultaneously and then validated afterward. Up to 160,000 transactions can be handled concurrently.

    Move Programming Language

    Move, a unique programming language that was initially created for the Diem blockchain, is one of the features that make Aptos cryptocurrency so interesting. Its global storage is more secure than the typical programming language, and it is versatile enough to meet the particular requirements of Aptos developers. Move makes it far more difficult for hostile actors to influence the Aptos blockchain by allowing users to create custom resources that can't be copied or deleted.

    BFT Consensus Protocol

    Aptos decouples the two processes and allows them to run concurrently with each other rather than following the order of transactions. This increases speed while decreasing latency (the amount of time it takes to confirm network transactions). Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) engine developed by Aptos examines each state on-chain and automatically updates validators as necessary to ensure accuracy.

    Aptos NFTs

    The Aptos blockchain's capacity to handle NFT minting is one way it seeks to outperform existing Layer 1s. The parallel execution engine of the Aptos blockchain is mostly responsible for how well it handles NFTs. Users' abilities to fund brand-new accounts and generate NFTs for their accounts are greatly accelerated. Additionally, Aptos' TypeScript SDK enables customers to create scripts for NFT minting quickly and easily.

    Competitors of Aptos blockchain


    Solana, the hottest high-performance Layer 1 at the moment, will be one of the Aptos blockchain's key rivals. Since both Aptos and Solana rely on engines that can do computations in parallel, their speeds have been comparable thus far. The Aptos blockchain, on the other hand, appears to be more dependable when compared to the Solana blockchain. With noteworthy outages and downgrades, Solana has a history of failure.


    The Aptos blockchain has already proven to be faster than Ethereum. Due to differences in hardware and design, Aptos can finalise transactions in less than a second as opposed to Ethereum's over a minute. Ethereum, however, has indisputably higher reliability. Aptos doesn't experience many benefits, but it can't match Ethereum's stability.


    The Aptos project aims to improve the scalability and dependability of the blockchain. Aptos has so far attracted a lot of investors and business interest. While it will take time to determine whether Aptos is truly as revolutionary as it claims to be, its fast transaction times and skilled development staff are making them seem like a wise investment.

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