
What is SCGames and What Games Can You Play on it?

Updated on 8 September, 2022 1:27 PM
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    A group of seasoned cryptocurrency developers and lovers of cryptocurrency gambling created SCGames before opting to turn their platform vision into reality. In just its first year, SCGames was able to lead the gambling category charts on dapp.com and dappradar.com.

    The platform's games are all open, safe, and entirely based on smart contracts, and the initiative is wholly supported by a blockchain. They currently have six well-polished original games: dice, keno, video poker, baccarat, and lucky777, etc. They produce a new game around every few months. They are well-known for consistently high standards of quality, commitment to enhancing the user experience, and our incredibly quick response times.

    The app took its initial steps in 2021 on the ThunderCore blockchain, which has a high TPS and is evolving with a welcoming community every day. The entire ecosystem of the ThunderCore blockchain, including the casino games, is easily accessible inside the TTWallet app. In this app, you can find crosschains to move your BNB between the BSC network and the ThunderCore chain, ETH between the Ethereum network and the ThunderCore chain, and HECO from the Huobi chain. To convert your coins between USDT, USDC, BUSD, BNB, and 3d parity decentralised exchanges, use the ThunderCore ecosystem's TTSwap and heavily filled liquidity pools.

    Upcoming Token of SCGames - SCG

    The SCG token is still in the design phase, and the app is responding to community requests to make a glimpse of the SCG coin already available while they take some time to establish token infrastructure for the games.

    The SCGPRE token, which will later be convertible into SCG tokens one for one, can be preminted or farmed by the ThunderCore blockchain gambling community. As there will be a total of 1,000,000 SCG tokens created during the production of SCG token, SCGPRE will represent 5% of the total SCG token supply, and the SCGPRE to SCG Converter Contract will include that 5% of SCG for token holders to claim with SCGPRE tokens.

    Popular Games on SCGames

    SCGames has quite a few fun arcade games hosted on its platform. Some of them include: Dice, Keno, Lucky 777, Baccarat, etc. Here are some details about those games:

    SCGames Dice

    Dice dominates the cryptocurrency gambling market for a variety of reasons. It is based on ThunderCore, a high-speed blockchain with a high TPS (Transaction per second), and a single wager only takes up to one second. Transaction costs are almost zero (0.000001 USD).

    SCGames Keno

    Determine the amount of slots (numbers) you want to play (up to 10). From 1 to 40, choose your own locations (numbers), or use the Quick Pik option to let the computer choose for you. Choose how much to wager. You can wager anything from 0.001 TT to 1000 TT.

    SCGames VPoker

    At first, the first five cards of the game will be dealt. They will highlight yellow once you have locked the desired cards, so press the play button once more.

    SCGames Lucky777

    You can play anything from 0.001 TT to 1000 TT. Then, press the spinner.

    How to Start Playing SCGames?

    Step 1: TT Wallet may be quickly installed and set up.

    Step 2: Transfer money and tokens via the cross-chain bridges for BSC, ETH, and HECO ThunderCore.

    Step 3: Take advantage of DeFis' heavily loaded liquidity pools for each pair and discover all the wonderful third-parity DApps gathered under the TT Wallet.


    SCGames is a collection of gaming applications, including TT-Keno, TT-Plinko, TT-Baccarat, and TT-Slots, that facilitate the exchange of ThunderCore currencies. Despite the variations in their gameplay, they are all excellent interactive games. SCGames features well-known games from the sector. For instance, TT-Videopoker serves a big user population, thus players are not required to comprehend the game's regulations.

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